I published an applied mathematics paper in the Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (July 2013). The research proposes a first-passage-time distribution model of single-molecule translocation. The paper has currently been cited over 40 times. It appears to be getting attention from publications in Nature [(1), (2), (3)], Nanotechnology (1), among other journals. I’m excited to see how this impact continues in the future.

My research in applied math appears in Harvard’s High Energy Physics Library, the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Physics, and CERN. My research is published in condensed matter libraries as well. As a financial sponsor of my research, the NIH also currently features my publication.

My research in nanoparticle inorganic chemistry can be found here. The research was also published here by the Microscopy Society of America. I was an invited speaker at their annual conference in Nashville, TN.

I’ve conducted physics research at Brown University in the fields of condensed matter and biophysics. I have also conducted research at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center on topics including biophysics, structural biology, and cancer therapy under Dr. Alexandros Pertsinidis (physicist). Contributed to publications within the Sloan Kettering Institute.

I continue to be greatly interested in physics and chemistry, especially in conjunction with the applied math foundations of economics, financial markets, and policy. Placed out of ECO 100/101 at Princeton and completed core economic theory coursework by end of sophomore year.

I conducted my senior thesis at Princeton on applications of game theory and mechanism design in loan markets with information asymmetry. The thesis focuses on applied math in economics and contract theory. It was an honor to be advised by Professor Stephen E. Morris, economist and game theorist.

My thesis is available upon request. You can find a preview here.

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